Proverbs 20:5 GW

A motive in the human heart is like deep water, and a person who has understanding draws it out.

  • Question:

    What are the differences between right motive and good intentions?

  • Question 2:

    What is the difference between will power and the movement of God's Spirit working in our lives?

  • Question 3:

    What determines which good intentions are right or godly?

Course curriculum

    1. GKMBI Ministry Tier 2:Motive Matters- Introduction

    2. GKMBI Ministry Tier 2: Motive Matters Summary and Schedule

    1. Week 1 Motive Matters Recording

    1. Ministry Tier 2 KS M.M. Week 2 Discussion Board 1. Describe the parts of the immaterial man and their importance to having an accurate motive. Due Thursday @1159pm.

    2. Ministry Tier 2 KS M.M. Week 2 Discussion Board 2. How does one accomplish singleness of Heart? Due Saturday @ 1159pm.

    1. Week 4 Motive Matters: Chapters 6 & 7 Part 1

    2. Week 4 Motive Matters Chapters 6 & 7 part 2

    3. Ministry Tier 2 KS M.M. Week 3 Discussion Board 1. What are the 4 primary ways to examine our motives according to Chapter 6? Due Thursday @1159pm

    4. Ministry Tier 2 KS M.M. Week 3 Discussion Board 2. Describe how the scale is valuable in our weighing our motive? Due Saturday @1159pm.

    1. Week 4 Chapters 8 & 9 Motive Matters Recording

    2. Course 4 Week 4: Discussion Board 1-Why is self-examination so valuable to understanding balance? Due Thursday @1159pm.

    3. Course 4 Week 4: Discussion Board 2- Explain the Love Lift as spoken of in Chapter 9. Due Saturday @1159pm.

    1. Week 5 Recording_640x360

    2. Course 4 Week 5: Discussion Board 1-What is the relationship between Agape love and action? Due Thursday @1159pm.

    3. Course 4 Week 5: Discussion Board 2- Why is focus central to worship? Due Saturday @1159pm.

About this course

  • 2 x $150.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

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