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  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

Course curriculum

    1. Overview World Religions and Cults

    2. Ministry Tier 2: Course 5 World religions, Cults and The Occult Schedule

    1. World Religion Map

    2. World Religions Intro Week 1.pdf

    3. Course 5 Week 1 Discussion Board 1: What religious leader (outside of Christianity) have you admired and why? Due Tuesday @1159pm.

    4. Course 5 Week 1 Discussion Board 2: Give a name of a Cult that was popular when you were twenty. Bullet point 5 doctrines of the Cult. DUE Thursday @1159pm

    1. The Symbols of Christianity and Judaism

    2. World Religion Week 2.pdf

    3. GKM_Healthcare_video_meeting_2023-03-12_22-44-54

    4. Course 5 Week 2-Discussion Board: Name 3 Similarities between Christianity and Judaism. Name 3 Differences between the 2 Religions. Due Wednesday @1159pm.

    5. Course 5 Week 2-Discussion Board 2: Why is jewish heritage determined by the mother? Due Friday@ 1159pm.

    1. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam

    2. Min Tier 2 Course 5 Week 3.pdf

    3. GKMBI Min Tier 2 Course 5 Week 3 video_meeting_2023-03-19

    4. Course 5 Week 3-Discussion Board 1: The primary sacred texts, known as the Vedas are made of four sections, Describe each section. Due Tuesday @1159pm.

    5. Course 5 Week 3-Discussion Board 2: Islamic doctrine, law, and thinking in general are based upon four sources: Name and describe the Four sources. Due Thursday @1159pm.

    1. Defining a Cult?

    2. Min Tier 2 Course 5 Week 4- Cults.pdf

    3. Course 5 Week 4 The Cults Sessions

    4. Week 4 Discussion Board 1: What makes a cult, a cult? Due Tuesday @1159pm.

    5. Week 4 Discussion Board 2. Name 2 modern day (2000 to present) cults. Describe their belief and 1 similarity to Christianity. Due Thursday @1159pm.

    1. The Occult

    2. World Religions Cults & Occult Week 6.pdf

    3. GKMBI MIN TIER 2 Course 5 Week 5 video_meeting_2023-04-02

    4. Discussion Board: One of your ministry members come to you & say " I'm tired today, I was talking with Uncle Paul all night!" You know Uncle Paul died last year. How would you explain Deuteronomy 18:10-14 to them? Due Tuesday @1159pm.

About this course

  • 2 x $150.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

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