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Overview World Religions and Cults
Ministry Tier 2: Course 5 World religions, Cults and The Occult Schedule
World Religion Map
World Religions Intro Week 1.pdf
Course 5 Week 1 Discussion Board 1: What religious leader (outside of Christianity) have you admired and why? Due Tuesday @1159pm.
Course 5 Week 1 Discussion Board 2: Give a name of a Cult that was popular when you were twenty. Bullet point 5 doctrines of the Cult. DUE Thursday @1159pm
The Symbols of Christianity and Judaism
World Religion Week 2.pdf
Course 5 Week 2-Discussion Board: Name 3 Similarities between Christianity and Judaism. Name 3 Differences between the 2 Religions. Due Wednesday @1159pm.
Course 5 Week 2-Discussion Board 2: Why is jewish heritage determined by the mother? Due Friday@ 1159pm.
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam
Min Tier 2 Course 5 Week 3.pdf
GKMBI Min Tier 2 Course 5 Week 3 video_meeting_2023-03-19
Course 5 Week 3-Discussion Board 1: The primary sacred texts, known as the Vedas are made of four sections, Describe each section. Due Tuesday @1159pm.
Course 5 Week 3-Discussion Board 2: Islamic doctrine, law, and thinking in general are based upon four sources: Name and describe the Four sources. Due Thursday @1159pm.
Defining a Cult?
Min Tier 2 Course 5 Week 4- Cults.pdf
Course 5 Week 4 The Cults Sessions
Week 4 Discussion Board 1: What makes a cult, a cult? Due Tuesday @1159pm.
Week 4 Discussion Board 2. Name 2 modern day (2000 to present) cults. Describe their belief and 1 similarity to Christianity. Due Thursday @1159pm.
The Occult
FREE PREVIEWWorld Religions Cults & Occult Week 6.pdf
GKMBI MIN TIER 2 Course 5 Week 5 video_meeting_2023-04-02
Discussion Board: One of your ministry members come to you & say " I'm tired today, I was talking with Uncle Paul all night!" You know Uncle Paul died last year. How would you explain Deuteronomy 18:10-14 to them? Due Tuesday @1159pm.
Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.
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