Course curriculum
The Introduction of The 5 Fold Ministry Gift
Week 1 5Fold Ministry Gifts Apostle.pdf
Discussion Board 1: Describe how the 5 Fold ministry would operate in a Sunday Morning service? Due Tuesday @1159pm
Discussion Board 2: Discus the difference between Apostolic Leader and a Pastoral Leader? Due Thursday @ 1159pm
Discussion Board 3: What is your current church culture? What are the pros and cons according to Ephesians 4:11?
Week 2 5Fold Ministry Gifts-Prophet.pdf
What's the difference between the spirit of Prophecy, the spirit of prophecy, and the Prophet. Due Wednesday @1159pm
Choose an OT prophet and list 10 Characteristics related to the call of a Prophet. Due Saturday @1159pm
Week 3 The 5Fold Ministry Evangelist.pdf
Evangelism without discipleship is incomplete
Discussion Board: Write 10 Conversation Starters for Evangelizing a stranger. Due Wednesday@ 1159pm
Discussion Board: List 10 personal encounters with Jesus in the NT that could considered evangelism. Due Saturday @1159pm
5Fold Ministry Gifts Pastors and Teachers.pdf
About this course
- Free
- 14 lessons
- 0 hours of video content
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